The company’s social responsibility is based on a voluntary and active contribution to the social, economic and environmental improvement of the communities where the projects and productive activities have an impact, contemplating especially as its group of interest the workers and their families as well.
Within the framework of the company’s social responsibility towards the communities located in Valle de Lerma and the Puna in Salta, the MSR Group undertakes social actions that seek to improve the quality of life of the people as the focal point of its management. In that direction, the company’s policy defines as priorities education, food and work, three interdependent variables.

We contribute in these areas by responding to basic needs and other urgent social problems, mainly channeled through a food assistance program for children and young people in vulnerable situations. We also encourage the development of a variety of community projects seeking to expand and improve the ability to take action, and the education and employability conditions of the social environments close to our operations.
Simultaneously, we provide diverse resources to facilitate and carry out meaningful social activities for the locals, such as Children’s day, El Milagro and La Pachamama festivities.
We work on three main axes:
Based on the premise that education enables access to employment and decent work, we are involved with local realities and problems, seeking to accompany, promote or guarantee the social development of young people in the process of professional training and entrepreneurship.
In this direction, first of all, the company takes on the commitment of giving young people, who are in the last years of high school and tertiary education, the possibility of doing professional internships in the industrial plants of Campo Quijano and Olacapato. This action responds to the needs that the social and work-related context imposes on young people in training and to the demands of the actors involved to have access to experiences that prepare and strengthen them to enter the labor market. These training instances guarantee equal opportunities and gender equity.
Similarly, we are also committed to those sectors of the community that are excluded from formal education programs, whether secondary or professional, and from the employment sector, through the commitment, support and financing of various training cycles aimed at young people, adults, seniors and mainly women. We seek that these spaces are conducive to the development of practical tools that allow different sectors of the community to enter the world of work and entrepreneurship.
Also, in order to create value and collaborate with the local community, the company prioritizes the hiring of local labor, both for specialized and non-specialized activities. The local percentage is almost 100%, taking into account that the origins are as close as possible to the industrial complexes and mines.
Initially, Minera Santa Rita began to formulate and manage an employability plan for vulnerable sector profiles, specifically for women and young people with educational deficits.
Likewise, we vindicate our current policy of inclusive purchases. We give priority to local suppliers, mainly family businesses, micro-enterprises, cooperatives, etc.
For more than 15 years, the company has been running a food assistance program, responding to the needs of children and young people attending schools in Valle de Lerma, Salta and self-managed organizations that cater for the food needs of families in vulnerable situations. This program consists of the daily and monthly delivery of food that guarantee some of the essential meals. We believe that a healthy nutrition improves the learning performance and the quality of life in the present and future.
In comparison to previous years, since 2020 this program innovates with the inclusion of the advisory services of a nutrition professional for the supervision of the contributions. This support intends to raise awareness among the population on the importance of a healthy diet and to encourage healthy habits in family, social, and school contexts.